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/ Educational Overload / Educational Overload.iso / educ_11 / bqwin.zip

File Comment
    Order  Cream of the Crop2 Shareware  205-824-2552--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description: Bible-q for Windows Challenges Yourbible Iq With 1200 Questions Drawn Fromall Parts of the Bible. Reqs Vbrun3

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
README Text File 48 2KB 1993-09-01
TWB.TXT Text File 660 35KB 1993-07-08
VERSES.NIV Text File 1 73KB 1989-04-03

Other Files (6)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
BQ.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 42KB 1993-09-01
THREED.VBX Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 37 61KB 1992-10-21
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
MOOD.BIN Unknown 12KB 1993-06-30
MOOD.IDX Unknown 320b 1993-06-30
QUEST.BIN Unknown 130KB 1993-07-06
QUEST.IDX Unknown 5KB 1993-07-06